How to Make Cornell Notes Template in Google Docs

How to Make Cornell Notes Template in Google Docs How to Make Cornell Notes Template in Google Docs

The Cornell note-taking system is an effective method for organizing and reviewing class notes. This style of note-taking divides a page into three sections – a cues column, a notes column, and a summary.

Making a Cornell notes template in Google Docs is easy and allows you to customize the layout to suit your needs. Here is a step-by-step guide.

Benefits of Using Cornell Notes

Before jumping into the how-to guide, let’s first go over some of the key benefits of using the Cornell method:

Step 1: Open a Blank Google Doc

Go to Google Docs and click the multicolored “+” icon in the top left. This will open up a blank document.

You can also select “File > New > Blank document” from the menu bar.

Step 2: Add a Title and Date

At the very top of the page, type a centered title like “Biology Notes” and the date on the right.

This clearly labels each document for easy organization.

Step 3: Insert a Table

Go to “Insert > Table” and insert a three-column table that spans the width of the page.

This will create the three note sections – cues, notes, and summary.

Step 4: Add Column Headers

In the first row of the table, add a “Cues” header in the left column, a “Notes” header in the middle, and a “Summary” header in the right.

Bold and center these headers to clearly distinguish the three sections.

Step 5: Adjust Column Widths

Make the cues column narrower (around 2 inches wide) and the notes column wider to provide enough space for detailed notes.

The summary section just needs enough room for a paragraph.

Step 6: Add Visual Customizations (Optional)

Here are some optional tweaks you can make to visually distinguish the sections:

This improves readability when reviewing the notes.

Step 7: Save as a Template

Once your template layout is complete, go to “File > Save as template” to save it for reuse.

Name the file something like “My Cornell Notes Template”.

How to Use the Cornell Notes Google Doc Template

Storing your notes digitally makes them easy to organize, share, and find!

Customizing Your Cornell Notes Template

The basic Cornell notes format works well for most students. But you can customize your template further:

Tweak the template until you find a layout that perfectly suits your note-taking style.

Benefits of Digital Cornell Notes

The flexibility of digital notes can take your study sessions to the next level!

Wrap Up

The Cornell note-taking method helps condense, organize and summarize class notes for more effective studying. By making a customized template in Google Docs, you can take advantage of this proven system digitally.

Use the template to structure your notes, then tweak it over time to match your personal note-taking preferences. This will lead to notes that are tidy, easy to review, and simple to find, share, and collaborate on!

About The Author

Vegadocs Staff

Vegadocs Staff is comprised with experts in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. With years of experience, their articles offer practical tips for enhanced productivity in digital documentation.

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